· Published in Caring For Profit


Webinar organised by the European Network of Corporate Observatories (ENCO) on November, 16, 2021.

First part : Caring For profit : the privatisation of elderly care and hospitals in Europe

 Carmen San José, Audita Sanidad. The case of Fresenius-Quirónsalud in the community of Madrid.
 Sebastian Franco, Gresea. Mapping the privatisation of healthcare in Europe
 Harald Schumamn, Investigate Europe. The billion Euro business of elder care : the strategy of the private equity investors.
 Chair : Leigh Kamore Haynes, People’s Health Movement.

Second part : Threats and opportunities arising from the EU Health-Union

 Anne-Sophie Pelletier, Member of the European Parliament (The Left)
 Marc Botenga, Member of the European Parliament (The Left)
 Richard Pond, European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)
 Chair : Olivier Hoedeman, Corporate Europe Observatory.

Investigations and reports mentioned during the webinar

 Mapping the privatisation of healthcare in Europe, ENCO
 Fresenius and the Jiménez Díaz Foundation in Madrid : a citizen audit of the debt generated by the privatisation of hospitals, Audita Sanidad/ENCO
 Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) as tools for Privatisation in the health sector, Audita Sanidad/ODG
 Grey gold — The billion Euro business of elder care, Investigate Europe
 Resisting Privatization of Health Services, People’s Health Movement
 Resilience of the long-term care sector, EPSU

More resources here.

By ENCO All the versions of this article: [English] [français]
Article published as part of our investigation: «Caring For Profit»
More about our investigation